*Këto shërbime mbështeten nga Organizata e Kombeve të Bashkuara për Zhvillim (UNDP), si pjesë e projektit ʺZgjerimi i shërbimit të ndihmës juridike për gratë dhe burrat në Shqipëriʺ (EFLAS) në partneritet me Ministrinë e Drejtësisë dhe me financim të Agjencisë Austriake për Bashkepunim e Zhvillim.
-The project “Increase opportunities to access justice for marginalized groups” has facilitated the access to justice for vulnerable citizens through provision of free legal aid and mediation. There is a higher interest in receiving information on law, free legal aid and how to better access to justice institutions. The free legal aid is a highly demanded service for the citizens of this region especially in this challenging crisis time.
During 2022-2023, This project supported vulnerable groups in this region as below:
600 citizens are provided with primary legal aid in Gjirokastra, Permet, Delvina and Saranda;
160 citizens are provided with secondary legal aid;
180 citizens are informed about the opportunity to be provided with free legal aid and mediation through awareness raising sessions.
20 conflicts are resolved through mediation.
80 professionals are sensitized for the provision of free legal aid and coordinated referral to mediation and psycho social services.
1200 individuals are informed about law on free legal aid guaranteed by state and mediation through street law activities, social media and leaflets
-Advocacy on mediation and alternative conflict resolution
4 round tables aiming at the strengthening of the mediation service and alternative resolution of conflicts with 45 participants from relevant institutions are organized in the four project target areas. The benefits and advantages of using restorative means to solve conflicts in the communities, both penal and civil matters are emphasized. The meetings aimed at the promotion of the referral process and coordination between institutions in supporting citizens. Police officers, teachers, psychologists, probation officers, municipalities representatives have participated in these activities. It is evidenced that there is lack of coordination between structures in the case referral and lack of service provision for vulnerable groups as well in the project target areas especially in Saranda, Delvina and Permet.
Despite several NGO and state activities aiming at the awareness raising about mediation and restorative justice still there is need of making efforts to raise the awareness among citizens in dispute, but also with stakeholders to address the cases of conflicts to the alternative solution through restorative practices